The thumbnails on the left show the construction of a new hoop house for
our young poultry. We modeled it after the one found on Robert
Plamondon's wonderful site, at

Several of the images below are close-ups of aspects of the house we felt
were important, including cross braces at the corners, and hooks and eyes
with latch covers to keep predators like raccoons from opening them.

We use hoophouses for many breeds of young stock, find them wonderful
for keeping birds securely on grass. We do stake them down during spring
and fall, as winds here in Kentucky can get high. They're not particularly
elegant, but very useful, easy to build, and not too expensive. And you can
move them to a fresh patch of grass every day if you like, giving your birds
excellent nutrition and fertilizing your pasture at the same time.

See below for a photo of one of the other tractors we have built. I'm not the
best carpenter in the world, but they are wonderful for housing bantams and
we like them a lot.
Hoop House
All material copyright 2001 to present by Pathfinders Farm. All rights reserved.
No material to be reproduced in any form without prior written permission