Below is our eBay returns policy for KatyDidsCards:

We offer a hassle-free money back guarantee - if there's a problem, you may return it.

A full refund of your original purchase price and outgoing shipping will be given within
ten days of receipt of returned item,
as long as item is received in the same condition
as when we shipped it to you.
Items that are returned in a condition other than that in
which they were sent out are not eligible for refunds.

Return shipping fees are the responsibility of the buyer, and
all returns should be sent
with a tracking number of some sort (delivery confirmation or insurance.)

Customers who return items without a tracking number do so at their own risk;
that are lost or damaged during return shipping are solely the buyer's responsibility.

We do ask that customers use this policy fairly,
this is not meant to be an approval service.

If you have questions, just
email us, we're happy to help.
eBay Returns Policy
All material © 2000-2010 Pathfinders Farm. All rights reserved.
No material to be reproduced in any form without prior written permission