These are the tomatoes we are growing in 2018.
Note that all photos are the property of their respective copyright owners.
Some photos I took, some are from the website of the company source. If the latter,
we have obtained their permission to use them here. For those we haven't heard back from,
we will provide a link to the company website instead of a photo.
Seed sources include:
Baker Creek, Craig LeHoullier, Seed Savers Exchange, Sustainable Mountain Agriculture,
Victory Seeds, and Wild Boar Farms.
Tomatoes 2018
Big Rianbow tomato
Blackberry Tomato
Big Rainbow from Baker Creek
4 available
Blackberry from SMA
2 available
Brown's Yellow Giant
Brown's Yellow Giant from SMA
1 available
Dwarf Beauty King
Dwarf Beauty King from Victory
: 3 available
Hillbilly from Baker Creek
4 available
Red Boar
Red Boar from Wild Boar Farms
3 available
Amos Coli
Amos Coli from Wild Boar Farms
7 available
Martino's Roma
Martino's Roma from Baker Creek
2 available
Mary Rose McMurray
Mary Rose McMurray
4 available
Opalka from Victory Seeds
10 available
Striped Roman
Striped Roman from Baker Creek
6 available