Line Breeding Using Spiral Breeding

    Many breeders of purebred poultry use line breeding with their flocks. A more complicated, yet more
    effective way to line breed is to Spiral Breed. To do this, maintain three lines - Line A, Line B, Line C.

    For Season 1, mate all males to females of their own line. Daughters of Season 1 are added as breeders to
    the line that produced them (they stay with their mothers.) Sons are compared to their fathers for quality.

    In Season 2, mate the C line male to the B line females, mate the B line male to the A line females, mate the A
    line male to the C line females - rotating them.

    Females from Season 2 are added to the line that produced them alongside their mothers. The best son of the
    C line male mated to the B line females is kept and mated to the B line females; same for other matings, old
    cocks are retired.

    Once the system is up and running, males are used twice, then retired in preference to a son. Males rotate one
    line over every other year. This gives you a year of outcross and a year of line breeding.

    Spiral Breeding is a very old system. There is one breeder and his family that reputedly maintained a line of
    Rhode Island Reds for 90 years on this system, he and his family kept five matings each year.

    Thanks to Moorehouse, Schrider, & McCary for the basis of this info.
Spiral Breeding
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All material © 2000-2010 Pathfinders Farm. All rights reserved.
No material to be reproduced in any form without prior written permission
All material copyright 2001 to present by Pathfinders Farm. All rights reserved.
No material to be reproduced in any form without prior written permission