Social Media
These days, it's all about being online. James and Laura have been online since the late
1980s (yes, you read that right.) In fact, we actually met in 1989 on the internet site
CompuServe, in the professional group The Desktop Publishing Forum. We held our
wedding reception online in the DTP Forum, likely one of the first to do so online!
We've always said we were on the "bleeding edge" and have adopted social media pretty
much as soon as it came along.

So if you want to find us online, here we are (Laura is more of the farm contact than
James, so her info is listed here, not his.)

See our Farm Page on Facebook

Laura's farm blog is A Farmwife’s Diary

She has a blog devoted to Natural Medicine,

And a historical food blog, Peacock with Stuffing

See this Podcast Laura did with the Urban Chicken Podcast on using medicated feed.

She can often be found in the
Facebook group for Buckeyes here:

Stop by and say hello!
All material copyright 2001 to present by Pathfinders Farm. All rights reserved.
No material to be reproduced in any form without prior written permission